
Showing posts from September, 2021

GM case -4

 Date of admission : 9 /08/2021 A 60 year old male who is an agriculture worker came with cheif complaint of swelling of hands and leg , shortness of breath since 1year . History of present illness:   Patient was asymptomatic 1year back before  he developed swelling of legs and hand but he neglected it later so it become progressive with  shortness of breath and decreased urine output.   Past history: Decreased urine output 1year back   Hypertension since 3years. No history of diabetes No histoy of epilepsy No history of tb No history of any previous surgeries  Personal history: Diet -mixed Sleep-decreased Appetite-decreased Bladder-regular Bowel: regular No addictions.  Family history:  No similar complaints in the family are seen. Drug history:  No allergy to known drugs.  General examination:    Patient is coherent,cooperative,conscious.    No pallor     No cyanosis    No lymphadenopathy   No malnutrition     No pedal edema   No clubbing of fingers.   Vitals:  Temp :98.4°f  Pulse ra